Monday, February 24, 2014

New Samsung gear 2? It's a hit or a shit?

The time has come for Samsung to say goodbye to Android as the operating system powering its smartwatch. On Sunday, a day ahead of its press conference here at Mobile World Congress, the electronics titan announced two new cogs in the Gear smartwatch machine, the Samsung Gear 2 and Samsung Gear 2 Neo. Both wearables drop "Galaxy" from their names, a nod to the fact that the smartwatches run Samsung's homebrewed Tizen OS and not Google's Android platform. The move to clock Tizen in and check Android out is the biggest change to come to the Gear 2, though one that may not be as obvious to customers who strap on the watches. More obviously, the Gear 2's camera gets a boost to a 2-megapixel resolution and moves from the wrist straps to the body of the smartwatch. Thus liberated, the straps are now in a position for you to pop them off and exchange them with differently colored bands. For the Gear 2, your color pool includes Charcoal Black, Gold Brown, and Wild Orange, all similar shades carried over from the original Galaxy Gear. he watch also picks up a few more hardware and software tricks, like an infrared sensor and a standalone music player that means you can leave your phone at home while you go for a jog (so long as you sync it to a Bluetooth headset.) Samsung has also added a heart rate sensor as well. Some of us weren't fans of flipping our wrists to talk into the microphone embedded in the original Galaxy Gear's clasp, and Samsung listened, placing the mic into the phone's body instead. Some of you folk might think by letting out new products, the gear would have catch back the smartwatch market by reducing it price point, but do you folks willing to pay the price for the new gear or the old gear or even other company's smartwatch such as sony or peble? Let me know in the comment below.

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