Monday, February 24, 2014

Meow Chat, what the hack is it?

Have you guys ever feel annoyed about the game requests that been sent to you? Have you guys notice that recently there are new trend that going on throughout FB request? It's MEOW CHAT. Have you all wonder what is this stupid apps that everyone is crazy about? Now let me show you what is the Meow Chat is all about. Meow Chat is a chatting service founded by a small company called MINUS. It provide a platform for everyone to connect to each other. If you ever used wechat before, than it is easy for you to understand as it is more or less similar to the apps. It let you to connect to people all around the world by just a click of a button. it also provide a click that will self match your another chatting partner based on the interest and information that you had set for it. Personally I find it very addictive and yet annoyed. the addictive part is you are able randomly chat with other people easily. the annoy part is you might accidentally send the request to everyone in your facebook list and it really might piss somebody out as I accidentally send out four requests to everyone in my facebook list and I guess they are coming after me later on. Overall it is a very addictive chatting platform that worth the time for it. Give it a try and I bet that you will instantly hook up for it.


Metalenz could help flatten out huge smartphone camera bumps in the future

 It seems that a new company called Metalenz has recently been spotted, offering a new type of lens that could potentially reduce the size o...