Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Green life competition

A competition to encourage green design and lifestyle was conducted by designboom in partnership with Incheon metropolitan city, Korea recently. Dubbed as the Green Life competition, the contest saw nearly 3709 participants from 96 countries. Among the 200 shortlisted projects, Thermodynamic cooler and Murakami chair design by Rochus Jacob from USA took away the prize. The thermodynamic cooler consists of two pots, one placed inside the other and the space between the two pots is filled with wet glass-foam, a waste product of the glass recycling process. Food gets preserved by the cooling effect of evaporating water in the glass-foam between the two pots.

The Murakami chair uses the advanced nano-dynamo technology, which is built in to the skids of the chair. An OLED fitted reading lamp consumes the electricity produced by the rocking motion of the chair. During daylight, the energy gets stored in a battery pack that can be used to power the lamp.

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